Do you want to add an icon, aka Avatar, to your profile? please do; it will make our site more friendly and informative.
Our site is powered by WordPress which uses a centralized avatar marketplace they call Gravatar.
Below you will find the 5-steps you can take. It may look lengthy, but it should take just a minute or two.
- In the “My Profile” page, click on the link that mentions: “we are using Gravatar for your thumbnail”
or visit this URL directly:
Next, click on the button that says “Create Your Own Gravatar” (noted with the arrow below):
- You should end up on a page where you need to enter your email you are using to login to our site.
Come up with some Username and Password (this is no longer related to your login),
and click the “Sign Up” to create your account.
- The site will inform you about an email they sent you to activate your account:
Go to your email program/site and find it. It should look like this one.
Click on the button “Activate Account” (noted in the image below):
- The email will redirect you to to thank you. Next, click on the “Sign in to Gravatar”
(noted in the image above with the arrow):
You are now back in, ready to add your icon/avatar, so click on any of the link noted below:
- The site support many ways of upload your photo. Pick up one. Try to find a photo/iage where it is easy to see your face.
Don’t worry about how good it is because the site will allow you to crop it.
You are done!. If you wish, you will be able to add more images or more emails.
Now go and set your profile image.